Resveratrol is a substance naturally found in cranberries, blueberries, red grapes, and promegranate that provides the body several healthy benefits. Resveratrol was first discovered in 1940 in a plant called Veratrum grandiflorum and was later on found in grapes. As grapes are the main ingredients of wine, resveratrol can be accounted for the good effects of wine in the body. The most important effects of resveratrol include lowering of blood sugar levels, strengthening the immune system, protecting the body from free radicals, and weight loss. Resveratrol is also prepared commercially as a supplement in forms of capsules, pills, creams, and powder for an improved well being.
According to studies, one glass of red wine has 640 micrograms of resveratrol content and a handful of peanut contains 75 micrograms. The French population consumes at least 2 glasses of wine per day and it accounts for them to have lesser cases of cardiovascular diseases. However, there is still no Recommended Dietary Allowance for resveratrol. Higher resveratrol content is present in resveratrol supplements that eventually offer more health benefits when taken regularly. To maximize the effects of resveratrol in the body, some supplements combine resveratrol with other natural herbs with health benefits.
Generally, resveratrol has anti-proliferative, anti-oxidant, anti-obesity, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet, anti-mutagenic, and anti-aging properties. However, there are very specific Resveratrol benefits.
Resveratrol Benefits
- Resveratrol can revitalize the body and give you a more youthful look. The symptoms of aging are caused by the production of free radicals which destroys the cells. As an anti-oxidant, resveratrol fights these free radicals to keep the cells and tissues healthy and free from damage.
- Resveratrol greatly promotes cardiovascular health. It is 10 to 20 times more effective than Vitamin E in protecting the heart and its blood vessels from LDL (bad cholesterol) oxidation. This process is greatly linked to the accumulation of fat in the vascular system causing high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and many heart problems.
- Resveratrol enhances energy levels in the cells which results in improved stamina. With more energy levels the body, you can easily fight stress and fatigue. It will also give you the ability to perform better in everything you do.
- According to studies, regular use of Resveratrol supplements is a very effective and safe weight loss method. Compared to other weight loss supplements, resveratrol offers no toxic side effects.
- The immune-boosting effect of Resveratrol renders the body stronger resistance against common infections caused by bacteria and viruses.
- In men, resveratrol can increase sperm count. This effect can help in fighting infertility in couples and increase their chances of having a child.
Resveratrol Side Effects
Intake of resveratrol supplements should be guided by your physician. Until now, resveratrol side effects are still unknown since the supplements are still being rigorously studied.