
L-arginine is a form of the amino acid Arginine. Amino acids are known to be the “building blocks of the body” and are categorised into three, essential amino acids, non-essential amino acids, and semi-essential amino acids. Among the three categories, L-arginine belongs to the non-essential amino acids as they are naturally produced by the body and need not to be included in the food intake. However, for infants whose systems are still under development and unable to produce the necessary amount, L-arginine is considered an essential amino acid. For full grown and healthy individuals, L-arginine is majorly produced in the kidney and small amounts are produced in the liver. In the diet, L-arginine is richly found in animal and plant proteins like nuts, poultry, dairy products, and meat.

L-arginine is needed to produce the waste product urea. Urea is necessary to remove toxic ammonia from the body. L-arginine is also essential in the production of creatine, which breaks down to creatinine. Creatinine is then filtered by the kidneys and released from the body through the urine. L-arginine generally helps the body in its detoxification process. In cases of severe burns, infections, jaundice, conditions related to protein deficiency, malnutrition, the body’s production of L-arginine is impaired. Thus, necessitates for supplementation of L-arginine through the diet.

Uses and Benefits of L-Arginine

  • L-arginine helps in the production of Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide is necessary to keep the blood vessels in their perfect shape and reduce their stiffness. It promotes increased blood flow and promotes blood vessel functions.
  • L-arginine is also helpful in maintain sexual function especially in men. The Nitric Oxide produced helps in relaxing the blood vessels in the penis, just like the action of the drug Sidenafil Citrate (Viagra). With the increased blood flow in the penis, erection can be maintained.
  • L-arginine facilitates wound healing. Aside from creatine and Nitric Oxide, L-arginine is needed to produce the substance L-proline which is another amino acid that aids in the synthesis of collagen.
  • When combined with Ribonucleic Acid (RNA), L-arginine can speed up the recovery after surgery. It also helps in preventing complications like infections.
  • In cases of Congestive Heart failure, L-arginine helps by eliminating extra fluids causing the congestion. It acts along with the prescribed treatment for CHF.
  • Chest pain associated with Coronary Artery disease can be reduced by L-arginine. It also helps Nitroglycerin to be more effective in treating angina pectoris or chest pain.
  • Supplemental L-arginine may also offer relief to people with thrombosis or blood clots in the legs.
  • L-arginine is believed to help in building muscle mass as it promotes protein formation.

Possible Side Effects of L-Arginine

When L-arginine is taken moderately and in short-term basis, it causes no or very little side effects. Potential side effects of L-arginine include nausea, abdominal pain, indigestion, hyperacidity, diarrhea, gout, allergies, bronchial inflammation, hypotension, and headache.

Contraindications and Special Precautions

  • L-arginine is not advised to be used for patients who suffered heart attack. 
  • Patients suffering from gastric ulcers and heartburns are not advised to take L-arginine. L-arginine can increase the production of gastric acid and may worsen these conditions.
  • Unless there is Doctor’s supervision, L-arginine is also not to be used by diabetics. L-arginine may increase blood sugar levels.
  • Patients with Liver disorders, Kidney diseases and those taking ACE inhibitors or potassium sparing diuretics are not allowed to take supplemental L-arginine without medical advice. L-arginine has effects in potassium, sodium, phosphate, and chloride levels in the body.
  • L-arginine aggravates the symptoms of Herpes.
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers are also not advised to take supplemental L-arginine as its beneficial effects on fetal development and breastfeeding had not yet been determined.