
Chlorella is a single-celled green algae found in fresh water. The name chlorella was derived from the Greek word “chloros” which means green, and “ella” meaning small. Chlorella first existed more than 2-billion years ago. However, this plant was discovered in the year 1890 and was studied to be a possible source of protein. After World War II, when there was an extreme food shortage and an expected massive population increase, chlorella was again studied by governments for its potential to be a food source. The studies proved that chlorella is a cheaper alternative to animal proteins and can be used to feed the masses.

Today, chlorella is being cultivated under direct sunlight in big fresh water pools for human use. It is manufactured as Chlorella tablets and chlorella powder and is widely available in the market. Chlorella contains large quantities of protein and other essential vitamins and minerals. It is considered one of nature’s super foods. Chlorella vitamins are Beta carotene and Vitamin B 12 while its minerals are magnesium and Iron. Chlorella is also loaded with chlorophyll, fiber, and healthy fats. When chlorella is dried, its nutritional value is even higher with 45 percent protein, 20 percent carbohydrates, 20 percent fats, 10 percent vitamins and minerals, and 5 percent fiber. Apart from its high nutrition value, chlorella is also known as one of the most powerful healing foods.

Chlorella Benefits

  • Chlorella is a very effective detoxifier. The outer fibrous shell of chlorella has the ability to bind with harmful toxins like heavy metals and pesticides which accumulates in the body.
  • Chlorella can help people lose excess weight by lowering the percentage of body fats.
  • Chlorella can control blood glucose levels and is helpful to patients with Type 2 diabetes.
  • Chlorella supplements can increase energy levels and may also help in elevating the mood.
  • Chlorella facilitates good digestion as it stimulates the growth of healthy bacteria or the pro-biotics that normally grows in the intestine.
  • Chlorella can boost the immune system and increase your resistance against common infections.
  • The high chlorophyll content of chlorella helps stimulate the growth of red blood cells. This ability RBC producing ability of chlorella makes it a favorable remedy for those with anemia and is a good supplement for women who are more prone to developing anemia.
  • Chlorella keeps the brain healthy by helping the blood carry oxygen into the brain.
  • Chlorella can help in preventing hypertension by lowering blood pressure and serum cholesterol levels.
  • Chlorella helps in balancing the body’s ph and prevents diseases that starts and develops in acidic environment.

Sodas, junk foods, and processed foods have been part of the human diet for many decades now. With this, nutritional dietary intake have been constantly depleting while intake of toxins have been increasing. Incorporating chlorella into the daily diet can give you more health benefits and prevent diseases which are acquired from eating unhealthy foods.